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Friday, May 20, 2016

List of URDU words of PERSIAN origin; PART-2

This is a list of Urdu language words of Persian origin. Many Persian words also came into English through Urdu during British colonialism. Persian was the language of the Mughal court before British rule in India even though locals in North India spoke Hindusthani. Thus many words in the list below, though originally from Persian, arrived in English through the intermediary of Ottoman Turkish language.
List of the Urdu words derived from Persian.
Urdu < Persian origin > English

Hindi < from Persian Hindu, derived from Sindhu, the Sanskrit name for the Indus River. literary language of northern India usually written in the Devanagari alphabet and the official languages of India.

Hindu < from medieval Persian word Hindu (mod. Hendi), from ancient Avestan hendava

Hindustan < Hindi - Hindustan, from Persian Hindustan (mod. Hendustan) India.

India < from Persian Hind, from Sanskrit Sindu, a river, in particular, the river Indus.

Badmash < From Persian . badma'sh immoral, from bad (from Middle Persian vat) + ma'sh (Arabic) living, life. India: a bad character: a worthless person. In English > Budmash

bakhshi < From Persian , bakhshi, literally, giver, from bakhshidan to give. In English > Bukshi ,a military paymaster.

Bulbul < From Persian, originally borrowed from Arabic ("nightingale"). A Persian songbird frequently mentioned in poetry that is a nightingale. A maker or singer of sweet songs. In English > bulbul refers to passerine birds of a different family.

Band < From Persian. An embankment used especially in India to control the flow of water. . In English > Bund

Bandargaah < From Persian . Bandar ,harbor, landing-plac,. In English > Bunder Boat , a coastal and harbor boat or raft used in the East Indies in the landing of passengers and goods. A surf-boat in use at Mumbai and along the Malabar coast

Bandobast < from Persian . band-o-bast, literally, tying and binding,. India: arrangement or settlement of details. In English > bundobust .Arrangements or organization. ‘why all these big crowds and strict police bundobust, he wondered’

Burqa < Arabic ‘burqu' ("face covering with eye openings") via Russian, probably from dark brown (of a horse), probably of Turkic origin; akin to Turkish bur red like a fox; the Turkic word probably from Persian bur reddish brown;. According to a book by Dr.Ajam, Burqa is arabized of purda in Persian it means cover and curtain. In English > Burka

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